01 Oct 2018

Drone videographers in Sydney explain the benefits of drones for construction

For builders, an aerial view made possible with a drone allows them to better develop work plans, track progress and monitor and check for problems along the way. Drones are after all, cheaper than flying manned aircraft.

Below is a list of some areas of construction that drones are replacing:

Mapping - Traditionally, larger projects have required a helicopter or plane to fly over the site and take photos. These days a drone can weave in and out and around the property, capturing footage for days.  Drones are even capable of using advanced UAV technology to send this information straight to project mapping software or a computer.

Inspections - Our experts in drone videography can carry out a straight forward, visual inspection of high-risk areas. This greatly reduces health and safety risks, with site managers being able to watch the footage from the safety of their site offices.

Building Surveys - Conducting a building survey requires assessment of a building’s roof or façade to check for faults and defects. Drone videography and photography reduces the need for scaffolding and ladders, reducing time taken, safety risk and associated costs.

To find out more about drone videography in Sydney, get in contact with the drone professionals at Airborne Studio today.